Friday, June 21, 2013


What EBusiness Suite Application Products are Installed/Not-Installed/Shared.

#- What (whatinstalled)                                        -#

10-JUN-13          OATC (oratest) Apps Installed Products
21:50:21                  EBusiness Suite

Short                                                     Install
Name     Application  Name                                Status
-------- ------------------------------------------------ --------------
AD       Applications DBA                                 Shared
AHL      Complex Maintenance Repair and Overhaul          Not Installed
AK       Common Modules-AK                                Installed
ALR      Alert                                            Installed
AME      Approvals Management                             Not Installed
AMS      Marketing                                        Shared
AMV      Marketing Encyclopedia System                    Shared
AMW      Internal Controls Manager                        Not Installed
AR       Receivables                                      Installed
AS       Sales Foundation                                 Installed
ASF      Sales Online                                     Not Installed
ASG      CRM Gateway for Mobile Devices                   Not Installed
XDO      XML Publisher                                    Installed
XDP      Provisioning                                     Not Installed
XLA      Subledger Accounting                             Shared
XLE      Legal Entity Configurator                        Not Installed
XNB      Oracle Telecommunications Billing Integrator     Not Installed
XNP      Number Portability                               Not Installed
XTR      Treasury                                         Not Installed
ZFA      Financial Analyzer                               Not Installed
ZPB      Enterprise Planning and Budgeting                Not Installed
ZSA      Sales Analyzer                                   Not Installed
ZX       E-Business Tax                                   Not Installed

# whatinstalled ()
#    Module Name:  whatinstalled  (c) Copyright 2012                    #
#                                                                       #
#    Purpose:      Report on the eBusiness Suite Installed Products.    #
#                                                                       #
#    Maintenance                                                        #
#    Date          Author        Description                            #
#    -----------   ------------  -------------------------------------  #
#    10-May-2012   M.Barone      Module design/creation                 #
        DIRNAM=$(dirname $0)
        ORASID=$(echo $CONTEXT_NAME | cut -f1 -d'_')
        HNAME=$(uname -n)
        echo  " #------------------------------------------------------#"
        echo  " # whatinstalled:  Oracle eBusiness Installed Products  #"
        echo  " #------------------------------------------------------#"

        #  Trap:  Set CNTL-C CNTL-D CNTL-\ Before Password Protection   #
        trap        "stty echo; return"     2
        trap        "stty echo; return"     3
        stty -echo

        read PASSWD?" Please Enter the Oracle _[7mAPPS_[0m Passwd: "
        stty echo
        #  Trap:  Reset CNTL-C CNTL-D CNTL-\ After Password Protection  #
        trap        2
        trap        3


#  Initialize                                                           #
#  SQL*Plus ("Here-Document")                                           #
sqlplus  -s  /nolog  <<-END_FILE


        SPOOL ${SPOOLNM}

        clear   BREAKS
        clear   BUFFER
        clear   COLUMNS
        clear   COMPUTES
        clear   SCREEN
        clear   SQL
        clear   TIMING

        set     feedback        off
        set     flush           on
        set     heading         on
        set     pause           off
        set     space           1
        set     termout         on
        set     verify          on
        set     linesize        80
        set     pagesize        999

        prompt #--------------------------------------------------------#
        prompt #- What (whatinstalled)                                 -#
        prompt #--------------------------------------------------------#

        COLUMN  datevalue       NOPRINT NEW_VALUE       DATEVAR
        COLUMN  timevalue       NOPRINT NEW_VALUE       TIMEVAR

        COLUMN  sname  format A8  HEADING 'App|Short|Name'    WORD_WRAPPED
        COLUMN  aname  format A48 HEADING 'Application  Name' WORD_WRAPPED
        COLUMN  stats  format A14 HEADING 'Install|Status'    WORD_WRAPPED

        TTITLE  CENTER  '${ORASID} (${HNAME}) Apps Installed Products '  -
                LEFT    DATEVAR                                  skip 1  -
                CENTER  'eBusiness Suite'                                -
                LEFT    TIMEVAR                                  skip 2

        alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
        SELECT  TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YY')   datevalue,
                TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS')  timevalue,
                application_short_name          sname,
                application_name                aname,
                DECODE(status,  'I', 'Installed',
                                'S', 'Shared',
                                'N', 'Not Installed',
                        status)                 stats
        FROM    fnd_application_vl fa,
                fnd_product_installations fpi
        WHERE   fpi.application_id = fa.application_id
        ORDER BY 1;


print "Please see /tmp/whatinstalled_$$.txt"


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